The process of selecting Gary Con XVII exhibitors has begun. The first step for anyone wishing to sell at Gary Con is to submit an application in our TTE System. Start by logging in with your TTE Account at Once you’re logged in, click “Apply to Exhibit” found under the “Exhibit” dropdown menu. If you’re hoping to be an Exhibitor at Gary Con XVII in 2025, it would be prudent to complete your application ASAP.
In mid-July we will start offering booth assignments to upper-tier sponsors for this year and long-term supporters of the convention. Then, we look at available space and start selecting additional exhibitors to fill the remaining booths from application submissions. Our selection process will consider a number of criteria–including product assortment/variety from current booths and exhibitors, as well as past convention support (sponsorships, running events, etc.). Our goal is to complete this process by the end of August.
Booths are in very high demand for Gary Con, so it’s a competitive process. You may not be selected, but keep in mind:
- We reserve about 7-8 booths each year for companies that have never been to Gary Con. Therefore, historical support and/or past presence at the convention is not a prerequisite for being selected.
- When filling out your application, include the types of products you will offer in the “COMMENTS” field (seen only by you and Convention Staff) to assist our evaluation.
We look forward to having you join us at Gary Con XVII in 2025!