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Gary Con Terms, Policies, and Waivers

For mobile users and reference, download the latest policy document here.


ALL attendees at any Gary Con event must accept all terms, policies and waivers listed below.  This is expressly required to be allowed to access any event or function whether physically or virtually. Please ensure that you carefully read the entire page before making a purchase. There are no refunds. We are committed to protecting your data from third parties. That’s why it’s our strict policy to never sell your personal information to anyone. We don’t share information that personally identifies you with advertisers, such as your name or email. The only entities that can receive this data is Gary Con, Gaxx Works, and our trusted affiliates.

Additionally, all policy questions or violations may be directed to [email protected], or submitted anonymously via our incident report form at:

Harassment Policy

Gary Con is an inclusive, family-friendly convention. We expect all attendees to treat each other with common courtesy and respect.

Gary Con does not permit harassment with regard to gender, sexual orientation, dress, age, race, religion or lack thereof, political affiliation, disability, or involvement or noninvolvement in any group or activity at Gary Con.

Harassment includes any behavior that annoys, alarms, demeans, or threatens another person or group. Harassment includes (but is not limited to) verbal comments, the use of overly sexual imagery in public areas, intimidation, stalking, unauthorized photography or recording, inappropriate physical contact, unwanted sexual attention, and the disruption of events or activities.

If you feel you are being harassed, you fear for your safety, or you witness someone harassing others, you may contact a Gary Con staff member, or hotel security immediately. You can also contact us via email or the anonymous form linked at the top of this page. Hotel security can be reached by calling the hotel front desk from a courtesy phone or alerting any hotel team member wearing the Grand Geneva name badge.

All harassment reports will be investigated and dealt with. Reports are to be treated confidentially unless the reporter gives permission to disclose details of the incident outside of the Gary Con Staff and Hotel Management team. Possible consequences of harassment include, but are not limited to, the revocation of the offending party’s Gary Con badge, ejection from the venue, and the involvement of local authorities.

Conflict Resolution

No one should tolerate harassment at Gary Con. Please practice good judgment, common sense and seek to deescalate conflict in a safe manner to the maximum extent possible. Should you experience or witness harassment, you may choose to take any of the following actions:

  1. If you feel safe and comfortable doing so, ask the offender to stop. Whether the offending behavior is intentional or unintentional, expressing your discomfort to the offender directly often puts a stop to that conduct. Oftentimes, the offending behavior is unintentional, and the accidental offender and offended will resolve the incident by ceasing the behavior and/or apologizing.
  2. Leave the area. While this may be unfair to you, it is sometimes best for your safety and well-being if you to choose to leave the area, especially if you feel uncomfortable around the offender or their conduct. After separating yourself from the conduct, you may still choose to take additional actions.
  3. If the offender insists that he/she did not offend, or if the offender continues the harassment after being asked to stop, then you will need a third party to step in. Please notify Gary Con’s Policy Team via email or the form linked at the top of this Policies web page.
  4. Contact the hotel staff, security, police or other appropriate authorities. Your health and safety is our most important concern. If you require immediate assistance from law enforcement, medical services, or other governmental entities, please do not hesitate to contact such services directly.
  5. As a virtual attendee, you also have the option to Contact convention staff by joining the Gary Con Discord Server, here. The best and easiest way to contact staff is to visit the #help-desk-chat channel. If you feel your concerns can’t be voiced in a public channel, please direct-message anyone with an Administrator role.


Gary Con participants asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately. If a participant engages in harassing behavior, staff may take any action they deem appropriate, including warning the offender, expelling the offender from Gary Con, or banning the offender from the Gary Con community on the internet.

Specific sanctions may include but are not limited to:

  • Warning the harasser to cease their behavior and that any further reports will result in other sanctions
  • Requiring that the harasser avoid any interaction with, and physical proximity to, their victim for the remainder of the event.
  • Requiring that the harasser immediately leave Gary Con without refund and not return.
  • Not allowing a person who violated the policy to attend future Gary Cons.
  • Ending immediately any gaming events or other event responsibilities and privileges the harasser holds and requiring that the harasser not attend future Gary Cons (either indefinitely or for a certain time period)
  • Publishing an account of the harassment.
  • Permanent ban from any Gary Con sponsored events or online services.
  • Reporting of the incident to the appropriate authorities.

Gary Con staff members will help participants contact hotel/venue security or local law enforcement, provide escorts, or otherwise assist those experiencing harassment to feel safe for the duration of the event. We expect participants to follow these rules in all Gary Con venues, Gary Con-related social events, and online communication channels.

Ethics and Conduct

Any of the following will be grounds for expulsion from Gary Con without refund:

  • Violating any federal, state, or local laws, facility rules, or convention policies
  • Failure to comply with the instructions of Gary Con staff or security personnel
  • Using anything in a threatening or destructive manner against person or property
  • Endangering the safety of oneself or others
  • Threatening, stealing, cheating or harassing others
  • Sleeping in any of the event spaces (if you doze off we will wake you up, but no laying on the floor, or across chairs, etc.)
  • Consuming any outside food or beverages in the Gary Con event spaces

Lost or Misplaced Badges and Event Tickets

We cannot replace lost, stolen, or forgotten badges or event tickets. Such items must be repurchased at full cost. We recommend that you check with the Gary Con Registration Desk to see if your materials have been turned in to Lost & Found. Gary Con (Gaxx Worx, LLC) assumes no responsibility for lost, stolen, or forgotten materials.

General Waiver of Liability

The purchase or acquisition of a Gary Con badge admits one person to all basic activities and exhibits at Gary Con during regularly scheduled hours for the day or days specified by the badge type. Some designated activities may require payment of a separate, additional fee. By accepting a badge and in consideration for being admitted to Gary Con, the holder consents to being recorded (by audio and/or visual means) for exhibition and exploitation by any means in all media, including without limitation the Internet, worldwide in perpetuity. The badge holder releases Gary Con (Gaxx Worx, LLC) from any liability for loss or damage to persons or property, infringement of any right, or any other claim or course of action of any kind; authorizes and permits Gary Con (Gaxx Worx, LLC) and its designees, which includes but is not limited to all sponsors, exhibitors, and contractors, to use and authorize the use of his or her name, voice, likeness, and all reproductions thereof by any means and in all media now and hereafter known, including without limitation the Internet, for all purposes worldwide in perpetuity; and agrees to comply with all the rules and regulations of the convention. Gary Con (Gaxx Worx, LLC) reserves the right to deny entry or remove from the convention facilities any person who in its sole and absolute discretion is behaving or threatening to behave in a manner which it reasonably considers to be disruptive.


To ensure the family-friendly nature of Gary Con, we ask that guests adhere to a basic dress code. Guests should dress casually and comfortably as is appropriate for the local weather. Please keep in mind this convention is held in Wisconsin in March, so weather can be unpredictable.

Convention attendees are expected to wear proper attire (i.e., shirts, shorts/pants, appropriate footwear, etc.) at all times. Attire that is not appropriate for Gary Con may result in (1) refusal of admission, (2) a request to modify the inappropriate clothing to fit guidelines, or (3) removal from the convention. Inappropriate attire includes but is not limited to:

  • Clothing and tattoos with vulgar, offensive, or discriminatory symbols or language. This includes, without limitation, clothing and tattoos that display profanity, graphic violence, pornography, nudity, or that which is associated with gangs or drugs, and clothing that does not sufficiently cover undergarments.
  • Clothing and tattoos which may incite a disturbance or are hateful or discriminatory to others, or may be perceived as such.
  • Clothing which, by design, exposes excessive portions of skin or that may be viewed as inappropriate for a family-friendly environment.
  • Bathing suits are permitted to be worn only in the venue pool areas, but may be worn in the convention if covered by otherwise appropriate attire.

Costumes and Weapons

Weapons and items that appear to be weapons are not allowed at Gary Con. Self-defense, recreational and utility items such as knifes, tasers, pepper spray, BB guns, cap guns, air-soft weapons, paintball guns, water guns, martial arts weaponry, including wooden practice weapons, etc., are not welcome, even if it is lawful to own and carry them in other public places. Off-duty security and military personnel are not allowed to bring their weapons to Gary Con. Items resembling futuristic weapons, fantasy weapons, and non-projectile boffer weapons may be allowed provided they are not handled in a careless, threatening, or destructive manner against persons or property.

Questionable items can be brought to the Gary Con HQ in the convention center during operating hours to be checked for compliance with this policy. Some events may provide exceptions to this policy under strict circumstances defined by that event. Items purchased in the Exhibit Hall which violate this policy must be wrapped and immediately removed from the convention premises.

20th and 21st century uniforms may not be worn as costumes. These include any uniform that can be construed as a military uniform from any country or a uniform worn in an official capacity, such as security guard, police officer, deputy, fire marshal, paramedic, etc. Active duty military personnel are permitted to wear their government-issued uniforms.

Gary Con Event Staff or venue security personnel may inspect any item or costume, or request that an attendee remove a mask, at any time during the convention. Failure to comply with these policies and/or the instructions of Gary Con Event Staff or security personnel may result in immediate removal from the convention without refund.

Sound Amplifiers

Sound amplifying devices are not allowed at Gary Con in shared gaming areas. In order to give each attendee the best gaming experience at Gary Con, sound amplification of any means is not permitted by Game Masters at Gary Con in rooms with multiple tables running games unless approved by the Gary Con Staff. Further, Game Masters, Exhibitors, Attendees, or Vendors may not use sound amplifying equipment without prior approval from the Gary Con Staff. Failure to comply with this policy and/or the instructions of the Gary Con Events Staff or security personnel may result in immediate removal from the convention without refund.

Firearms Policy

Real firearms are not allowed at Gary Con events space. This includes those attendees who maintain a conceal carry weapons permit from any state. Attendees who choose to ignore this policy may be asked to leave the convention and may have their badge revoked.

Privacy Policy

We are the sole owners of the information collected on this site. We only have access to/collect information that you voluntarily give us via email or other direct contact from you. We will not sell or rent this information to anyone outside of our Gaxx Worx, LLC. We will use your information to respond to you, regarding the reason you contacted us. We will not share your information with any third party outside of Gary Con or our venue, other than to resolve issues with the hotel or to connect you with sponsor companies in order to provide some benefit to you connected with your badge.

Purchases and Refunds

All purchases of Gary Con merchandise, including badges and event tickets, are final.  No refunds are issued for any reason unless expressly stated in writing in advance.

Event Cancellations

If an event has been canceled, please see the Gary Con HQs desk for further instructions. If there was an event fee there may be a refund, however the vast majority of events are at no charge.  So we will help identify available alternatives for you using the event listing on

GM Policies

Thank you for being a part of the celebration at Gary Con! By choosing to submit, run, or organize an event at Gary Con, you:

  • Will abide by all venue policies.
  • Will abide by all of Gary Con’s policies.
  • Understand that running an event does not make you a Gary Con employee or contractor.
  • Understand that consequences may occur as a result of violating Gary Con policies.
  • Agree that the purpose of running gaming events at Gary Con is to provide a fun and entertaining experience to attendees.
  • Agree to ensure the safety of you and your players.
  • Agree to follow all directions of Gary Con staff and management.

All event space is reserved for organized events unless it is clearly marked as “Open Gaming”. Any unauthorized event will be removed at management’s discretion. If there are problems or questions about a table assignment, do not attempt to fix it yourself. Please contact Gary Con staff or volunteer to assist.

You are responsible for the security of all items you bring to your game. If any special care is necessary, please contact Gary Con staff to make arrangements. Gary Con assumes no liability for lost or stolen items.

If there is a reason that your game cannot be run, contact Gary Con staff member immediately so the game can be canceled.

Appropriate Game Content

As stated above, when you agree to run any event at Gary Con for our attendees you are doing so with the express understanding that you are running said event in a way to provide a fun and entertaining experience for our attendees. This does not include providing “shocking” or “horrifying” experiences in a game.

When submitting a game, please make sure to engage the appropriate age range selection for your expected players. Adult themed games are appropriate for adults. If you do plan on running a game that contains adult themes, it is incumbent upon each and every GM to provide a full explanation of the adult situations contained in your game in the body of the game’s event description. There simply cannot be any room for surprises when it comes to subjects that might be offensive or objectionable to our attendees.

To be absolutely clear on this subject, themes, scenarios, or encounters based on graphic violence and/or sexual content is never appropriate for a gaming event at Gary Con. This includes descriptions of rape, extreme violence, or extreme cruelty. Please let common sense be your guide in this. Some matters that might be acceptable in a home game involving consenting adults are not acceptable at a gaming convention. Violations of these edicts are violations of our polices and can result in immediate expulsion without refund as well as a permanent ban from any and all future Gary Con events and activities.

Before Your Game

You should arrive at your table at least 5 minutes prior to start time to greet your players and wipe down the table and chairs with cleaning solution. If your designated table is in use, contact a staff member or volunteer to get assistance. Do not attempt to move your game to another table/location as this may affect other games.

All players must have a valid game Player, GM, Exibitor or Guest badge to play in the event. We encourage walk-ups to play in events as long as you can fit them into your game smoothly.  Display the green table placard to show that you are accepting walk-ups.  Display the red table placard to show you are not accepting additional players.  Please don’t allow spectator badges to play in your events.

During Your Game

Check that all players are wearing valid badges during all games. If players or GMs are found to not be wearing valid badges, they will be warned and if necessary, removed. In the case of a GM not displaying a valid badge, the game may be canceled.

Games should run as they were represented in the initial submission. No changes can be made without prior approval from the Gary Con staff. This includes start/end time, location and content. If any changes are necessary, contact a staff member.

If there are any problems with disruptive players or security issues, contact the nearest Gary Con staff member.

After Your Game

You should finish your game at least 10 minutes before the next scheduled time slot to allow the next GM to set-up. Clean up your space and wipe down the table with cleaning solution. The area should be left as you found it. If you see areas of concern (trash, broken chairs/tables, spills), please contact Gary Con staff member.

Please ensure that the table placard and holder that was present on your table at the beginning of your game is present and clearly visible at the end of your game.


Our GMs will have a place of their own to relax, get some refreshments and prepare their games at the Grand Geneva. The lounge is reserved for GMs that run events at Gary Con and have the appropriate marker on their badge to access the space. There will be snacks and beverages available for consumption in the lounge only.

If you have any questions, please contact [email protected].


Our GMs will have a place of their own to relax, get some refreshments and prepare their games at the Grand Geneva. The lounge is reserved for GMs that run events at Gary Con and have the appropriate marker on their badge to access the space. There will be snacks and beverages available for consumption in the lounge only.

If you have any questions, please contact [email protected].


We understand that sometimes unforeseen events cause a GM to miss their game and deeply appreciate the hundreds of skilled GMs that run events for everyone’s enjoyment. We want to encourage timely communication and dissuade people from “no showing” the people that signed up to play in their events.  If you as a GM realize that you have an issue that will prevent you from running an event as scheduled, please contact us immediately. Gary Con expects every GM to contact the staff and inform us of a cancellation as soon as they know that they will miss or cancel the event.  For issues prior to the first day of Gary Con, please use, at a minimum,  [email protected] to inform us of the issue.  Once Gary Con has commenced please report the issues to the personnel at convention headquarters in person.

Any GM who, without proper notification, fails to show up for and run 2 or more of their scheduled events may have their current badge revoked and be banned from attending Gary Con in any capacity for a period of no less than one year.  The length of the ban will be determined solely by the Gary Con management. We are compassionate human beings and will consider extenuating circumstances presented to us before enforcing a revocation or ban.


I acknowledge that I derive personal satisfaction and a benefit by virtue of my participation, attendance and/or voluntarism at Gary Con and I willingly engage in events and/or other activities (the “Activity”).


ASSUMPTION OF THE RISK. I acknowledge and understand the following:
1. Participation includes possible exposure to and illness from infectious diseases including but not limited to COVID-19. While particular rules and personal discipline may reduce this risk, the risk of serious illness and death does exist;
2. I knowingly and freely assume all such risks related to illness and infectious diseases, such as COVID- 19, even if arising from the negligence or fault of the Released Parties; and
3. I hereby knowingly assume the risk of injury, harm and loss associated with the Activity, including any injury, harm and loss caused by the negligence, fault or conduct of any kind on the part of the Released Parties.

MEDICAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND RELEASE. I acknowledge the health risks associated with the Activity, including but not limited to transient dizziness, lightheadedness, fainting, nausea, muscle cramping, musculoskeletal injury, joint pains, sprains and strains, heart attack, stroke, or sudden death. I agree that if I experience any of these or any other symptoms during the Activity, I will discontinue my participation immediately and seek appropriate medical attention. I DO HEREBY RELEASE AND FOREVER DISCHARGE THE RELEASED PARTIES FROM ANY CLAIM WHATSOEVER WHICH ARISES OR MAY HEREAFTER ARISE ON ACCOUNT OF ANY FIRST AID, TREATMENT, OR SERVICE RENDERED IN CONNECTION WITH MY PARTICIPATION IN THE ACTIVITY.

As a participant, exhibitor, Guest, volunteer, or attendee, You recognize that your participation, involvement and/or attendance at Gary Con events or activities (“Activity”) is voluntary and may result in personal injury (including death) and/or property damage. By attending, observing or participating in the Activity, You acknowledge and assume all risks and dangers associated with your participation and/or attendance at the Activity, and You agree that: (a) Gaxx Worx, LLC  (b) the property or site owner of the Activity, and (c) all past, present and future affiliates, successors, assigns, employees, volunteers, vendors, partners, members, and officers, of such entities (subsections (a) through (c), collectively, the “Released Parties”), will not be responsible for any personal injury (including death), property damage, or other loss suffered as a result of your participation in, attendance at, and/or observation of the Activity, regardless if any such injuries or losses are caused by the negligence of any of the Released Parties (collectively, the “Released Claims”). BY ATTENDING AND/OR PARTICIPATING IN THE ACTIVITY, YOU ARE DEEMED TO HAVE GIVEN A FULL RELEASE OF LIABILITY TO THE RELEASED PARTIES TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW.

Exhibitor Terms and Conditions


Booth Space Assignment:

All space is assigned solely by Gaxx Worx, LLC, referred to hereafter as “Gary Con”. Gary Con’s decisions about exhibitor space assignments are final and binding.

Exhibitor Badges

  • Exhibitors are allotted two complimentary exhibitor badges per booth.
  • Badges will be available for pick-up in the Exhibitor Hall until 4pm on Wednesday, then are moved to HQ.
  • Badges beyond the allocated number of complimentary allotment are available at the regular cost.


Security personnel will be present at the Grand Geneva Resort; however, Gary Con is not responsible for property loss, so please arrange your exhibit to discourage shoplifting. Gary Con Management strongly encourages all exhibitors to take reasonable precautions to prevent theft and damages. If an incident occurs, please inform security staff immediately.

General Rules and Regulations

  • Handbill distribution is permitted only within the exhibiting company’s booth or at exhibitor sponsored events. No material may be posted on convention walls, fixtures, or furniture. Violators are responsible for all fees and damages incurred from the removal of such postings.
  • Adhesive stickers are prohibited in the Grand Geneva Resort. Exhibitors are liable for all costs and expenses associated with sticker removal.
  • Absolutely no selling, soliciting, or handbill distribution is allowed outside of rented booth spaces.
  • Exhibitors must comply with, and be bound by, all laws, ordinances, and regulations of the country, state, county, city, facility, and, whenever applicable, police and fire departments.
  • Authorized company representatives must staff exhibits during all exhibit hall hours.
  • No exhibitor or member of an exhibit may promote, display, or behave in a manner considered offensive to decency or good taste as determined by Gary Con Management.
  • Demonstrations and all other activities must be confined to the limits of exhibitors’ booths. Aisles may not be obstructed at any time. Exhibitors may not conduct activities of any kind that lead to congestion of aisle traffic.
  • Music may not be played without the proper license of copyrighted music. Volume must be appropriate as determined by Gary Con Management.
  • Attendees and exhibitors are expressly prohibited from carrying weapons and/or weapon replicas. Weapons on display must be secured to tables or display for safety. Weapons purchased in the Exhibit Hall must be safely contained or packaged by the seller in such a manner that all edges are covered securely, and the purchaser must remove purchased weapons from the convention site to a safe location (hotel room or vehicle) at his or her earliest opportunity.
  • No one will be allowed into the Exhibit Hall during closed hours. All needed items and valuables must be taken with the exhibitor before the Exhibit Hall closes each evening. Exhibitors will be allowed into the hall one hour before Exhibit Hall opens and may stay up to one hour after it closes.
  • Gary Con prohibits the sale and/or use of games of chance. Games of chance are defined as games in which a fee is paid specifically for the opportunity to receive an item of interest or value. Games of chance are permitted only as a free promotion or giveaway.
  • Drug paraphernalia, consisting of equipment, product, or material that is manufactured or modified for making, using, or concealing illegal drugs, is prohibited at Gary Con and may result in removal from the convention.
  • The removal of exhibits and materials prior to the official close of the Exhibit Hall will not be permitted. Exhibitors must remain present and open until closing on the final day.

Banner and Display Standards

  • All exhibit decorations must meet fireproof standards and city fire ordinances. Applicable certification must be presented upon request.
  • Electrical equipment and wiring must conform to national and local electrical codes.
  • For any company whose booth includes constructed elements of greater than eight feet of elevation, the company must submit plan view (top-down view) and elevation view (view from the front, showing height) designs.

Behavior Standards for Gary Con

  • Profanity – The gratuitous use of profanity and symbols considered vulgar by contemporary standards of a product’s target market is not acceptable unless integral to a character or story. At the sole discretion of Gary Con Enterprises LLC Management, such material may not be advertised, displayed, or sold at Gary Con.
  • Violence and Gore – Products depicting lurid scenes of excessive bloodshed, gory or gruesome crimes, depravity, lust, filth, sadism, or masochism, presented editorially or graphically, are unacceptable. Products featuring depictions of unnecessary violence, brutality, physical agony, and gore, including but not limited to, extreme graphic or descriptive scenes presenting cannibalism, decapitation, evisceration, amputation, or other gory injuries, may not be advertised, displayed, or sold.
  • Sexual Themes – Displays containing items and/or sexual themes are not permitted. Products depicting rape and graphic lust may not be advertised or sold.
  • Products featuring sexual perversion and/or sexual abnormalities are unacceptable for advertising, display, or sale.
  • Nudity – Displays or advertising containing nudity are not acceptable. Degrading or salacious displays are unacceptable. Explicit depictions or facsimiles of reproductive organs are not permitted.
  • Affliction – Advertising or selling items containing disparaging graphic or editorial references to physical afflictions, handicaps, or deformities are not permitted.
  • Supremacy – Advertising or selling products that depict minority and/or nationalities as inferior to other races is not permitted.
  • Religion and Mythology – Actual, current religions are not to be depicted, ridiculed, or attacked in any way that promotes disrespect. Ancient or mythological religions, such as those prevalent in ancient Greek, Roman, and Norse societies, may be portrayed in their historic roles. Satanic symbols, rituals, and phrases are not permitted in any advertisements or displays.
  • Addictions – Addictions of any kind should not be presented as glamorous or entertaining. Addiction or the encouragement of addiction should be shown as a dangerous habit with harmful effects.
  • Wearing and Selling Costumes or Weapons – Advertising, wearing, and selling costumes is permitted if they are in good taste and do not present a hazard to others such as sharp edges or protrusions (measured by contemporary standards/values). All twentieth-century costumes or uniforms are prohibited from the convention. Uniforms of those currently on active duty in the military are exempt, assuming they are properly attired. No one may carry weapons or weapon replicas. Weapons for sale must be inoperable and/or locked and/or encased and/or have a limited range of motion so that customers do not have access to them.
  • Video reproductions – you must be officially licensed to sell videos. Sales of reproductions (bootlegs) will not be tolerated.
  • Compliance – All exhibitors and advertisers are obligated to comply with these standards. Failure to comply will result in the refusal of advertising materials, alteration or removal of unacceptable products/activities, or closure of exhibits/displays found to be in noncompliance. In this case, no refunds will be issued for exhibit space or badges.

Security and Liability

  • Exhibitors are solely responsible for paying all applicable city, county, state, and federal taxes on sales and promotional activities at Gary Con.
  • Gary Con will arrange for personnel to control access to the Exhibit Hall but is not responsible for any injury to exhibitors’ agents, servants, employees, or damage to or theft of property from any cause prior to, during, or subsequent to Gary Con. Exhibitors hereby expressly agree to indemnify and hold harmless Gary Con/Gaxx Worx, LLC against any and all claims for such loss, damage, or injury.
  • Exhibitors are required to insure their own exhibits, display materials, merchandise, and personnel. Exhibitors agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Gary Con against any and all claims for loss, damage, or injury associated with exhibitor’s vehicles, property, personnel, events, and general conduct at the event. In the event that Gary Con or the owners of the convention site are held liable for reasons caused or aggravated by exhibitor’s action or failure to act in any manner whatsoever, said exhibitors shall reimburse Gary Con and/or the convention-site owners for all costs incurred.
  • Exhibitors are fully responsible for any loss, damage, or injury to the convention-site owners or personnel resulting from exhibitors’ displays or actions.
  • Exhibitors are fully responsible for any loss, damage, or injury to Gary Con attendees resulting from exhibitors’ displays or actions.
  • Exhibitors are liable to the convention services firm for any and all damage, from whatever cause, to rented or leased booth equipment and shall indemnify, defend, or hold harmless Gary Con against any and all claims or suits for such damage.
  • Gary Con reserves the right to cancel arrangements or contracts or close an exhibit whenever it is deemed necessary for the safety or comfort of those attending Gary Con whenever the exhibit, activity, or material sold is objectionable or offensive to the average person attending Gary Con, whenever legal conditions, convention policies, or requirements of the convention site so dictate, or whenever portions of the convention site are destroyed or damaged.
  • Likewise, Gary Con reserves the right to cancel arrangements, contracts, or exhibits if Gary Con fails to take place as scheduled, is interrupted and/or discontinued, or access to the premises is prevented or interfered with by reason of any strike, lock out, act of war, act of God, emergency declared by a government agency or Gary Con Management, or for any other reason that terminates this contract.
  • Exhibitors will comply with all laws of the United States as well as all applicable state or local ordinances, rules, and requirements of police and fire departments or other authorities of such jurisdictions, will obtain all necessary permits and licenses with respect to their activities, and will not do or suffer to be done anything during the term of this agreement in violation of any such laws, ordinances, rules, or regulations. If the attention of said exhibitors is called to any such violation committed by said exhibitors, or committed by any person employed by or admitted to the premises by said exhibitors, said exhibitors will immediately desist and correct, or cause to be corrected, such violation. Exhibitors agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Gary Con from any and all costs, suits, and legal proceedings alleging violations of any such law or regulation.
  • Use of any product by any exhibitor, employee, or agent thereof containing the Gary Con trademark, the Gary Con logotype, or other trademarks owned by Gary Con is prohibited without the express written permission of Gaxx Worx, LLC. Exhibitors agree that if any materials making such unauthorized use appear at the convention, Gary Con shall have the right to take possession of and destroy all such materials, as well as to pursue other available legal remedies.
  • All matters and questions not covered by this application and these terms are subject to the decision of Gary Con Management.
  • Exhibitors agree to abide by and conform to all additional rules and regulations from time to time adopted or prescribed by Gary Con for the management of Gary Con and the exhibit areas.
  • Exhibitors acknowledge that they have read the preceding terms and conditions, expressly agree to comply with them, and authorize Gary Con to enforce them.

I look forward to seeing you soon. Thank you for your support! We are going to have a great Gary Con!