Brian Duckwitz

Brian Duckwitz

Brian has written over twenty products for Paizo, Kobold Press, and Legendary Games since breaking into the industry in 2014. A lifelong gamer and Wisconsin resident, Brian grew up just down the road in New Glarus. He’s proud to be one of the few writers who has written official products for all editions of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, including the Playtest edition and the just-released Remastered 2nd edition. Some of his favorite publications include the Free RPG Day adventure “We Be Heroes?” and “Siege of Gallowspire,” the final Pathfinder Society Scenario of Pathfinder 1st edition. He’s written numerous other PFS scenarios, a standalone module, a volume of the Blood Lords Adventure Path, and just finished another AP volume for Paizo. After two decades of teaching college English, he’s now a full-time freelancer who recently worked as a narrative designer and writer for Pixagon Games. He is also a professional GM and a certified modern sport fencing coach.

More information about Brian is at: