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Event Submission

How to Submit Events

Gary Con celebrates the life of E. Gary Gygax. Gary made a career out of writing, publishing, and promoting games, but playing games was his passion! He loved sitting down to play whichever game came to hand. In order to do what he loved and celebrate our shared joy of gaming, we need volunteer “Game Masters” (GMs) to help make this possible. So…

Gary Con needs your events!

Game Masters form the backbone of any convention. We invite you to share your love of gaming with others and help us all have a great time.

What is Gary Con looking for?

So, what events does Gary Con want? Gary loved all kinds of games, and that’s what we’re celebrating. So, ask yourself: What games or scenarios do you love and want to share far and wide? If you are ready to bring your favorite games and scenarios to share with everyone, then Gary Con wants your events!

What preparation is specifically required to GM at Gary Con?

We must mention that GMs should take time to review our policies completely (Gary Con Policies) to ensure thorough understanding. You can be thought-provoking, scary, or risqué (see notes under “Age Range”); however, we cannot tolerate anything that will entirely ruin someone’s experience. Please be considerate and respectful of others at all times. We ask you to be especially aware of Gary Con’s use of large, shared gaming spaces. Be ready for the ambient convention noise and do your best to avoid generating excessive noise at your table. When running your games, please be sure to make all your decisions for valid game reasons. If you have ANY doubt, please ask Gary Con Staff, who can be contacted through the Registration/Help Desk area, [email protected], or on the Gary Con Discord ( #helpdesk channel.

How do I submit events?

As in years past, we’re using TableTop.Events (TTE) to handle most of the convention’s nuts and bolts, including event submissions. To get started, you must have an account at TTE and you must obtain a Gary Con badge on the Gary Con TTE Site. If you ran 16 hours of events at the previous Gary Con, you should have received a credit good for the value of a Silver badge. Either way, you must have a badge before you can submit events. If you submit and run at least 16 hours of events this year, you’ll qualify for credit towards a badge for the next Gary Con! Read more about GM rewards on our GM Rewards page!

Please review our policies Gary Con Terms, Policies, and Waivers before purchasing your badge.

Once you have your badge, you’re ready to begin submitting your events. Go to the Gary Con TTE site, then click the “Submit Events” button. That click will take you to a form to submit your first event. Starting at the top of the page, work through all the fields by filling them out accurately and completely. Below we have included an overview of the fields for event submissions.

When can I submit events?

The date for TTE to open event submissions for Gary Con XVII is currently scheduled for July 27, 2024—the same date that badge sales are scheduled to open!

What is the deadline to submit events?

The deadline for event submissions for Gary Con XVII is currently scheduled for December 15, 2024. This is subject to change and at the discretion of our events team. 

Table.Top Events (TTE) Fields...

Once you have filled in all the fields on your form, take a moment review everything. Then, when you’re ready, click “Submit.”

After you have submitted at least one event, you can go to the “My Events” page in your TTE account (Submitted Events) to see the status of your event. You also can use this page to submit additional events or to edit previously submitted events. This page also allows you to clone events—which is very handy if you’re submitting several sessions of the same event.

After You Submit

Once you submit an event, the system will alert the staff, who will review your event and (1) approve it, (2) reject it, or (3) ask for changes. This review is usually completed within one week or less. Once the staff makes a decision about your event, they will contact you with an e-mail sent to the address you provided when you created your TTE account. Please watch your inbox (and spam folder) for replies from the staff.

If you have any questions about an event after it has been submitted, please contact us via e-mail to [email protected].