These are some of our top contributors on the ground and behind the scenes. We appreciate their work and efforts, which make Gary Con a success that can return year-after-year. Thank you Gary Con Staff!
Luke Gygax
Bouchra Gygax Hotel and Guest Relations Director
Bouchra Gygax
Dave Conant Exhibitor Relations Manager, Special Advisor
Dave Conant
Thomas Valley Organized Play Coordinator
Thomas Valley
Skip Williams Events Director
Skip Williams
Josh Popp Events Director, Technology Manager
Josh Popp
Natalie Barber Registration Coordinator
Natalie Barber
Garner Andrews Marketing & Sales Director, Sponsorship Salesperson
Garner Andrews
Matt Everhart Streaming Director
Matt Everhart
Jimmy Duffie Streaming Manager
Jimmy Duffie
JD Cash Director of Operations
JD Cash
Austin Neal Volunteer Coordinator
Austin Neal
Eric Trimble Customer Service
Eric Trimble
Lindsey Andrews Art
Lindsey Andrews
Anna B. Meyer Art
Anna B. Meyer
Photo coming soon!
Lee Schaidle Art Coordinator
Lee Schaidle
Photo coming soon!
Courtney "Kat" Mason Communications Manager
Courtney "Kat" Mason