Tom Wham

Tom Wham

Tom Wham is best known for creating whimsical board games that feature his unique artwork.  However, his first design credit is actually a miniatures wargame called “Ironclad”, with Don Lowry, in 1973.

Tom worked for Guidon Games when Gary Gygax asked him to run the auction at Gen Con IV.  A few years later, in 1977, Tom came to work at TSR, Inc.  Tom held many positions with TSR over the years, from general office support, to manager of the Dungeon Hobby Shop.  He contributed to many projects, including artwork for the AD&D Monster Manual, and published several games in Dragon magazine.

His game design credits include: Snit Smashing, Snit’s Revenge, Awful Green Things from Outer Space, Kings & Things, Dragon Lairds with James M. Ward (a game much enjoyed by Gary, Ernie, and Luke Gygax), and most recently, Feudality.

Tom Wham served honorably in the United States Navy for 4 years.  He is a Vietnam War veteran that served aboard a communications vessel in the Gulf of Tonkin.  After many years as an informational technology specialist at the Lake Geneva Library, he retired in 2003.  Tom continues to design games today.