Featured Guests

Daria Aksenova
The fantastical, cut-paper illustrations by Daria Aksenova are mesmerizing and whimsical worlds where shadows, texture, color, and light playfully interact with your imagination. Inspired by the stories of fables & folklore from around the globe – each piece offers an escape into another realm. Take the opportunity to experience the enchanting shadowbox narratives personally & […]

Alicia Marie
Alicia Marie is an actor, Hollywood professional costume artist and writer who turned her love of fantasy, sci-fi, comic books, video games and art into a creative career. Alicia, a self-professed “compulsive maker,” creates costumes and character looks for global media companies like Disney (Star Wars, Marvel), NBC, Netflix and Warner Brothers; gaming and interactive studios such as Netherrealm (Mortal Kombat), Gearbox, Riot […]

Chris Arneson
Chris Arneson is a freelance illustrator who grew up with a love for Dungeons & Dragons, especially its art. He has currently been doing much freelancing for Joseph Goodman, of Goodman Games, including work in many of their OARs, Original Adventures Reincarnated, on such iconic titles as The Temple of Elemental Evil, Castle Amber, Isle of […]

Keith Baker
Keith Baker is best known for creating the Eberron Campaign Setting for Dungeons & Dragons and the storytelling card game Gloom. He’s produced a host of games, novels, and TTRPG supplements. He’s recently released Chronicles of Eberron on the DM’s Guild and the second edition of Illimat with his own company, Twogether Studios. Keith can be found online at Twogetherstudios.com, or on Twitter as @HellcowKeith.

Banana Chan
Banana Chan is a Cantonese Canadian game designer and screenwriter living in Seattle. She is also the owner of the publishing company, Read/Write Memory. Her most notable work has been on Forgery, Jiangshi: Blood in the Banquet Hall, Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft, Betrayal at House on the Hill: 3rd Edition and Chucky: The Board […]

Anjali Bhimani
Anjali Bhimani is an award-winning actor whose career spans across Broadway, feature films, television, video games, animation, and digital content. Anjali is a globally recognized talent in the gaming industry, celebrated for her work in AAA projects. She is perhaps best known for her roles as Symmetra in Overwatch and Rampart in Apex Legends, Grammy-nominated Stray Gods, the Fallout series, Starfield, and […]

Jolly Blackburn
Jolly Blackburn is best known as the creator of the comic strip Knights of the Dinner Table. He launched a gaming magazine called Shadis when he was still serving in the Army. Knights of the Dinner Table was a strip in the back of Shadis in the tradition of Finneous Fingers in Dragon Magazine. Of course the Knights have become a force of […]

John Bobek
Being a child in the 1950’s exposed a young boy to toys and TV shows that inspired the call to heroism: Marx playsets, The Lone Ranger, Zorro, The Adventures of Robin Hood (with Richard Green), and all the movie reruns of Flash Gordon, Captain Blood, etc. Re-enacting adventures with toys graduated to playing wargames, first with Milton Bradley’s Battle-Cry!, leading to Avalon […]

Jeff Butler
Being a child in the 1950’s exposed a young boy to toys and TV shows that inspired the call to heroism: Marx playsets, The Lone Ranger, Zorro, The Adventures of Robin Hood (with Richard Green), and all the movie reruns of Flash Gordon, Captain Blood, etc. Re-enacting adventures with toys graduated to playing wargames, first with Milton Bradley’s Battle-Cry!, leading to Avalon […]
Antonio Canobbio
Being a child in the 1950’s exposed a young boy to toys and TV shows that inspired the call to heroism: Marx playsets, The Lone Ranger, Zorro, The Adventures of Robin Hood (with Richard Green), and all the movie reruns of Flash Gordon, Captain Blood, etc. Re-enacting adventures with toys graduated to playing wargames, first with Milton Bradley’s Battle-Cry!, leading to Avalon […]
Jason Carl
Jason Carl is best known as the gamemaster host of “L.A. by Night,” a Vampire: The Masquerade streaming actual play, and as a guest Dungeon Master at D&D in a Castle. He has been a writer and developer for Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition, Vampire: The Masquerade, Mind’s Eye Theater LARP, and other TTRPGs. Today […]
Mike Carr
As a teenager, Mike began gaming with the International Federation of Wargamers (IFW) in the 1960s. He created the game “Fight in the Skies” (FITS), also known as “Dawn Patrol”, and self-published it at the recommendation of Gary Gygax as part of the IFW’s Wargame Inventors Guild (WGIG) in 1968. FITS was later published by […]
Stephen Chenault
Stephen Chenault is the current CEO of Chenault & Gray Publishing & Troll Lord Games. He is an author best known for his work on the world of Aihrde, Castles & Crusades game system, and short fiction. In 1999 he co-founded Troll Lord Games with his brother Davis Chenault and longtime friend Mac Golden. He […]
Zeb Cook
David “Zeb” Cook joined the TSR design staff in 1979, as employee #24 and through the dint of persistence rose employee #2 or 3 (in senority only) the time he left in 1994.In those years he designed such things as X1: The Isle of Dread (with the late Tom Moldvay), the D&D Expert Set, Oriental Adventures, the AD&D 2nd Edition Rules, the Conan […]
Jeremy Crawford
Jeremy Crawford is the game director of Dungeons & Dragons at Wizards of the Coast. He has led or co-led the design of numerous D&D books, including the Player’s Handbook (2014 and 2024), Monster Manual (2025), Dungeon Master’s Guide (2014), Eberron: Rising from the Last War (2019), and Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything (2020). He is one of the DMs of the live-play show Acquisitions Incorporated […]
Michael Croitoriu
Magazines, radio, podcasts, development, and localization: Michael Croitoriu has been in the RPG industry for decades and has done it all. He also created serious games for L’Oréal and Danone, and the Wakfu TCG for Ankama. Now, as the Head of Edge Studio, he supervises all things RPG-related for Asmodee. Legend has it that he […]
Michael Curtis
Michael Curtis is Director of Product Development for Dungeon Crawl Classics at Goodman Games, overseeing the DCC, Mutant Crawl Classics, Xcrawl Classics, and other product lines since 2021. Before taking on this role, Michael spent more than a decade as a freelance writer and designer in the gaming industry. Michael is best known for his […]
Darlene The Artist
DARLENE is the first woman artist for TSR (1977), openly signing her first name to her art instead of hiding her gender behind her initials—which was a recommended practice at the time for women artists. Through the Wizard-head logo, stationery for TSR and its Divisions, column art for The Dragon, ads, calendars, as well as […]
Tom DeSanto
Tom DeSanto is the founding writer/producer behind some of the biggest franchises in movie history (Transformers, X-Men). DeSanto’s films have grossed over $6 billion dollars worldwide with billions more in licensing, merchandising, and video games. The proud owner of more than 40,000 comic books and a self-described pop culture junkie, DeSanto dreamed of bringing the […]
Kelsey Dionne
Kelsey Dionne is a critically-acclaimed new and old-school TTRPG designer who founded The Arcane Library in 2017. Her modernized take on OSR gaming, Shadowdark RPG, launched on Kickstarter in 2023. Visit The Arcane Library to find out more and explore her work at: https://www.thearcanelibrary.com/
Brian Duckwitz
Brian has written over twenty products for Paizo, Kobold Press, and Legendary Games since breaking into the industry in 2014. A lifelong gamer and Wisconsin resident, Brian grew up just down the road in New Glarus. He’s proud to be one of the few writers who has written official products for all editions of the […]
The Dungeon Dudes
Dr. Monty Martin along with longtime friend Kelly McLaughlin are the Dungeon Dudes. Together they produce video guides and live play series for D&D and more, drawing on three decades of collective experience running and playing tabletop games. MONTY MARTINMonty holds a PhD in Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies from the University of Toronto, and worked as […]
Jeff Easley
Jeff graduated from Murray State University with a BFA in Painting. Working briefly as a freelancer, he joined TSR and then Wizards of the Coast from 1982 until 2003, which included the creation of a LOT of cover art with which many of us are familiar. Some of Jeff’s notable works include the cover art […]
Larry Elmore
Artist and Illustrator, Larry Elmore received a BFA from Western Kentucky, got drafted and after 2 years in the service, became an illustrator at Fort Knox. He did some freelancing after that which includes work for Heavy Metal and National Lampoon. In 1981 he went to work for TSR until 1987 where he set the […]
Rose Estes
In 1977 Rose Estes became the 13th employee of a small company in a small town in Wisconsin called TSR Hobbies. She thought of it as a temporary position until she found another job as a journalist. But things kept happening and time passed. Choices were made and the temporary position became permanent. After a […]
Matt Everhart (KC Rift)
Matt Everhart, who also goes by “KC Rift”, has been playing Dungeons & Dragons (among many other role-playing games) since receiving the Red Box from his uncle back in 1983. Even then he was dreaming up new worlds and new adventures for his characters and those of his friends to journey through. While his family, […]
Alyssa Faden
Alyssa Faden has been a professional cartographer and GenCon panelist since 2012. She is best known for her incredible cityscapes and stunning details, often inviting viewers of her creations to see stories-within-stories for years after. Her clientele includes Monte Cook Games, Kobold Press, Profantasy Software, Gygax Magazine, Golden Goblin Press, Troll Lord Games, and Frog […]
Bill Fawcett
Bill Fawcett has been a professor, teacher, corporate executive, college dean, and board and computer game designer. He designed role-play and board games as a partner in Mayfair Games. As a book packager, he created and edited over 400 books for major publishers. He has collaborated on the Mycroft Holmes, Ian Fleming, and Madame Vernet […]
Matt Finch
Matt Finch is a writer and co-owner of Mythmere Games. He was the initial author of OSRIC, the 2006 retro-clone of first edition AD&D, and Swords & Wizardry (based on Original D&D). He is also the author of Tome of Adventure Design and the upcoming additions, Tome of World Building and the Nomicon. He is also known for writing the Quick Primer for Old […]
Jay Foster
Jay Foster is a Welsh-born Game Master, Writer, and Strength & Conditioning Coach. Most known as the Game Master for the OOPS! All Himbos!™ TTRPG live play group. Jay also leads Level 20 Training; a health, fitness, and nutrition coaching company aimed solely at the TTRPG community. He can be found giving out free advice […]
Matt Forbeck
Matt Forbeck is an award-winning and New York Times-bestselling author and game designer of over thirty-five novels and countless other books and games. His projects have won a Peabody Award, a Scribe Award, and several ENnies and Origins Awards. He also runs the Diana Jones Award Foundation and is the father of five, including a set […]
Ed Greenwood
Ed is Elminster. He was the original creator of the Forgotten Realms, writing about it in Dragon Magazine beginning in 1979. He’s published over two hundred articles in Dragon Magazine and Polyhedron Newszine, is a lifetime charter member of the Role Playing Game Association (RPGA) network, and has been Gen Con Game Fair guest of […]
Jacob Grimoire
Jacob Grimoire runs as a full time Illustrator, Concept Artist, and Crafter while running his business, The Grimoire Guild. Having 10 years of experience doing illustration and concept art in the TTRPG, TCG and Video Game industry he has worked on several projects both large and small including work for companies such as Critical Role […]
Jeff Grubb
Jeff Grubb is a best-selling author and award-winning game designer. He’s written novels, short stories, and comics, and has designed computer games and roleplaying games. He’s a co-founder of the Dragonlance and the Forgotten Realms campaign settings from TSR, as well as designer of Al-Qadim, Spelljammer, Manual of the Planes, and the original Marvel Super […]
Luke Gygax
Luke Gygax is the son of Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) co-creator Gary Gygax, Ennie Award winning designer, and founder of Gary Con®, a memorial convention held in honor of his father every March in their hometown of Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. Luke literally grew up at the gaming table with the designers that laid the foundation of […]
Amanda Hamon
Amanda Hamon is a Senior Designer working on Dungeons & Dragons at Wizards of the Coast, where she builds, leads, and supports 5th Edition books from conception through publication and beyond. An award-winning tabletop game designer, developer, writer, and editor, Amanda has designed games for numerous publishers, including Wizards of the Coast, Modiphius, Paizo, and […]
James Hunter
James Hunter is a full-time Inkslinger, a member of SFWA, and the bestselling author of Vigil Bound, Rogue Dungeon, Shadowcroft Academy, Bibliomancer, and the litRPG epic Viridian Gate Online! In addition to writing, James also runs Shadow Alley Press, a publishing company that specializes in LitRPG, Gamelit, and Progression Fantasy. James is a former Marine […]
Brian David Judkins
Brian David Judkins is the executive producer and DM for the Wizards of the Coast’s TV Show, Encounter Party. Based out of Chicago, Brian works as a television producer, writer, and voice actor aimed at bringing gaming entertainment to the silver screen. Brian also works as a part-time illustrator who has worked for companies such as […]
LaTia Jacquise
LaTia Jacquise is a Community Manager for Dungeons & Dragons at Wizards of the Coast, and a Community Review Board member for the nonprofit TakeThis.org, which focuses on decreasing the stigma surrounding mental health and wellness in the games industry and gaming communities. A TTRPG enthusiast to the bone, she’s had past lives as a […]
Alex Kammer
Alex Kammer is a lawyer, a freelance adventure/game designer, and is the Director of Gamehole Con, the largest tabletop gaming convention in the upper Midwest. Alex has numerous published titles to his credit from an array of publishers. His deeply and profoundly anticipated next book, The End of Everything, will be released from Frog God […]
Tim Kask
Tim was the first employee at TSR, started and edited Dragon and Little Wars Magazines, edited all the supplements from Blackmoor on, contributed to 1st Edition AD&D, published and edited Adventure Gaming Magazine, helped start and edited GYGAX Magazine, has written for several small ‘zines, edited various games and manuscripts and was a founding partner […]
David Kenzer
David formed Kenzer & Company with six other stalwart RPG enthusiasts in 1993, later teaming up with Jolly Blackburn in 1996. He is responsible for publication of “Knights of the Dinner Table” (of which Jolly is editor in chief) as well lead designer of award winning RPG games including HackMaster, Aces and Eights, the Monty […]
Doug Kovacs
Doug Kovacs grew up in the northwest suburbs of Chicago, playing Dungeons and Dragons and other RPGs . He drew his way through High School, avoiding involvement in most things but art class, where he cultivated a love for all forms of painting and drawing. At 16 he thought he invented cubism, but then realized […]
Dave “Diesel” LaForce
David S. LaForce is one of the first generation artist for Dungeons & Dragons. LaForce started his career in 1979 with TSR where he was initially hired in the shipping department. Catching the eye of David Sutherland, (head of TSR’s art department) who had him submit some sample drawings. Two of the three samples were […]
Brendan LaSalle
Brendan J. LaSalle is a staff writer for Goodman Games who has been writing and publishing in the game industry since 2002. He has written for Goodman Games, Fat Dragon Games, Troll Lord’s Games, Legendsmiths, Savage Mojo, Pandahead Publishing, and Hand Made Games, among others. He has written many adventures and RPG source books, including […]
The Legends of Avantris
Legends of Avantris is a group of seven best friends who goof off and play roleplay-heavy D&D on stream every week, sharing their stories and funny moments on Twitch, YouTube, TikTok, and more to a community of hundreds of thousands of fans across the world. They are also the publisher of The Crooked Moon, a […]
Arthur Loftis
Arthur Loftis is an art director at Titmouse Los Angeles, currently working on the record-breaking Kickstarter success, The Legend of Vox Machina. Since the first days of development, Arthur has worked with the creative executives of Critical Role to forge an animated adaptation which both honors the source material and introduces new viewers to the […]
Joe Manganiello
Actor, producer, director, published author, & Emmy winning voice actor. Joe holds a BFA in acting from The Carnegie Mellon University School of Drama & is currently directing & producing the Official 50 Year History of Dungeons & Dragons documentary for eOne & Wizards of the Coast set for release in 2024. His star-studded D&D […]
Mike Mearls
Mike Mearls is the executive producer for roleplaying games at Chaosium, focused on the RuneQuest line. He led the creation of D&D 5th edition and continues to tinker away on TTRPGs of his own design. He has designed award-winning board games, worked on Magic: the Gathering, and is still pretty amazed at how lucky he […]
David R. Megarry
The very first game 5-year-old David learned was the card game, War, taught to him by his grandfather. His father later taught him to play chess. In grade school, he learned the Parker Brother’s games of Monopoly and Sorry. When he learned to read, Scrabble was added to the list. When he was in high […]
Rick Meints
Rick is the President of Chaosium. His career in the gaming industry started in the mid 90’s when he moved to the UK and helped with the layout for Tales of the Reaching Moon magazine. His Gloranthan and RuneQuest roots stem back to the late 70s. An avid RPG collector, his love of all of […]
Anna B. Meyer
Anna B. Meyer is a professional Fantasy Cartographer specializing in visualizing fantasy worlds using the latest digital tools and an artistic eye. Her goal is to create a vision of your world in the form of maps and images that inspires and guides you and your players, or readers, to experience your world in ways […]
Jason Charles Miller
Jason Charles Miller is a critically acclaimed and highly accomplished singer/songwriter. His music has been featured on such TV shows as True Blood, The NFL Today, The Deadliest Catch and Critical Role. Jason has written songs with Billy Ray Cyrus, Rickey Medlocke [Lynyrd Skynyrd], Charlie Starr [Blackberry Smoke], Ben Moody [Evanescence], Paul Anka and has […]
Jody Lynn Nye
Jody Lynn Nye lists her main career activity as ‘spoiling cats.’ When not engaged upon this worthy occupation, she writes fantasy and science fiction books and short stories. Before breaking away from gainful employment to write full time, Jody worked as a file clerk, book-keeper at a small publishing house, freelance journalist and photographer, accounting […]
Douglas Niles
Douglas Niles discovered Dungeons & Dragons in 1979, when he was a high school teacher in Clinton WI and happened to have Heidi Gygax (Gary’s daughter) in his class. She gave him a copy of the D&D Basic Set on a Wednesday and he began DMing his first campaign the very next weekend. In 1982 […]
Michael Mornard
Michael first became involved in wargaming back in early 1972. A friend of his in Boy Scouts invited him to join a tabletop battle game at Don Kaye’s house. That Saturday they played Chainmail on Gary Gygax’s original sand table that had been moved from 330 Center St. into Don’s garage. Sometime in late 1972, […]
Roger E. Moore
Roger E. Moore was added to the ranks of TSR, Inc., by Kim Mohan, of blessed memory, in May 1983. From the staff of Dragon Magazine, he wrote articles, novels, short stories, and edited magazines and game products for 17.5 years. His greatest accomplishment was the co-creation of the Giant Space Hamster with Jeff Grubb […]
Sarah Moore
Sarah Moore is the host of Sarah’s Table on GenConTV where she spotlights RPGs created by indie designers and small publishers. She embodies her philosophy of Joyful Gaming by emphasizing safety and comfort at the table while encouraging people to be vulnerable and tell a collaborative story. Sarah is a contributing writer on The Vanishing Lands, […]
Erik Mona
Erik Mona is Editor Emeritus of Dragon, Dungeon, and Polyhedron magazines. He co-founded the Living Greyhawk organized play campaign and edited the Living Greyhawk Journal. After leaving Wizards of the Coast, Mona co-created the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and its Lost Omens campaign setting, founded the Pathfinder Society Organized Play program, and is the Chief Creative […]
Mike Nystul
Malix is a gamer, game designer and game master who has been involved with the hobby for more than 40 years. During his time as a professional designer he worked in-house for TSR, FASA, and Mayfair Games on lines such as D&D, BattleTech, Shadowrun, DC Heroes, Chill, Underground, and Role Aids. As a freelancer he […]
Erol Otus
Erol Otus is an artist and game designer, best known for his work in the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role playing game. He was a member of TSR’s art department from 1979 to 1981. After TSR, Otus worked on computer games at several studios including MicroProse, Hasbro, and Toys For Bob/Activision; notable titles include Star […]
Jon Peterson
Jon Peterson is a role-playing and wargaming historian. He is the author of Playing at the World (2012), The Elusive Shift (2020), and Game Wizards (2021), and provided the images and commentary for Wizards of the Coast’s The Making of Original Dungeons & Dragons (2024). He is also co-author of the books Dungeons & Dragons: Art & Arcana (2018) and Lore & Legends (2023), as well […]
Jon Pickens
Jon Pickens is an American game designer and editor who has worked on numerous products for the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game from TSR and later Wizards of the Coast. Jon Pickens was born in Mishawaka, Indiana. In 1968, he was introduced to miniatures wargaming, and his parents bought him the Blitzkrieg wargame for […]
Stefan Pokorny
Stefan Pokorny is a classically trained painter and sculptor who began running 1st edition D&D games around the age of 14 years old. In 1996, he founded DWARVEN FORGE, a first of its kind modular miniatures terrain company that would go on to fund many hugely successful Kickstarter campaigns. Game Tiles were the FIRST modular 3-D […]
Chris Prynoski
Chris Prynoski is an award-winning producer and entertainment executive, and the founder and president of Titmouse, Inc., a multi-hyphenated animation studio and pop culture brand with offices in Los Angeles, New York and Vancouver.
Merle Rasmussen
Merle Rasmussen will make a brief appearance in Pat Kilbane’s “The Dreams in Gary’s Basement: A Documentary on Gary Gygax.” He previously appeared in Reverend Derek W. White’s documentary, “The Satanic Panic and the Religious Battle for the Imagination.” In case Merle’s name seems familiar it could be because he and TOP SECRETTM Espionage Role-Playing […]
Mike Reese
Mike Reese started miniature wargaming in 1962 using HO scale armor models, 20mm plastic troops, and S scale model train buildings. He first met Gary Gygax through a postal player section in The General, heading 20 miles out to play with Gary and introduce him to WWII skirmish gaming. During this time Reese developed his […]
Jeff Richard
Jeff Richard is the Creative Director for Chaosium, publisher of Call of Cthulhu, Pendragon, RuneQuest, and other games using the Basic Roleplaying System. Jeff has worked on numerous roleplaying games, computer games, and board games over the last twenty years. He was the lead designer for the current edition of RuneQuest with Greg Stafford, Steve […]
Sir Andrew Scott
Meet the Harper, Sir Andrew Scott, Co-Creater and Chief Designer – Founders & Legends Tournament. Andrew Scott is proud to represent the Guilds of WARP as their Dungeon Master and founder of the club in 1976. Andrew Scott has held the reins as WARP’s DM since the beginning of 1978. He has DMed an unbroken campaign […]
Jeri “Red” Shepherd
Red is a 15-Time #1 International Bestselling, award-winning, 30-year creative professional of 120+ indie- and traditionally-published works. The USAF Veteran Arabic Linguist leads writers’ tracks around the country and guests with Origins Author’s Alcove and Gen Con Writer’s Symposium. As Jeri Shepherd, she pens sci-fi, genre fiction anthologies, novellas, and TCG Lore (Gudnak), as well as TTRPG […]
Lester Smith
Best known for the Dragon Dice game and Dark Conspiracy role-playing game, Lester Smith began his game design career in 1985. Since then, he has written or contributed to more game products than he can remember, on project lines from D&D to Star Wars, collecting five Origins Awards, a ZigZag Junior Editors’ award, and a Games 100 Best along the way. Since his “retirement,” Les has published […]
Alexander Stangroom
Alexander Stangroom is Chief Operations Officer at the ENNIE award-winning tabletop roleplaying publisher Kobold Press, best known for the Tales of the Valiant RPG and the Tome of Beasts monster book series. When he is not toiling with the kobolds in the warrens, Alexander is a TTRPG designer whose credits most recently include More Prepared! by Kobold Press, as well as Dreams […]
Ed Stark
Ed Stark has been working as a game designer for more than thirty years in both the tabletop and computer industries. Ed started his career at West End Games where he worked as the Paranoia Line Editor, lead designer for ShatterZone and MasterBook, and a designer for many TORG and Star Wars projects. He also […]
Bryan CP Steele
Forty-seven year old husband, father, producer, author, designer, and painter; if it has anything to do with the gaming industry, Bryan has made it his goal to try his hand at it. He has been a gamer for thirty plus years, industry professional for over two decades, with over two million published words across numerous […]
Stephen D. Sullivan
Stephen D. Sullivan is the award-winning author of more than sixty books. But before he turned to writing novels, he worked on DUNGEONS & DRAGONS Basic & Expert, TOP SECRET, and countless other TSR products. He also helped found Pacesetter, creators of CHILL, WABBIT WAMPAGE, and more. He still dabbles in game creation—including DR. CUSHING’S CHAMBER OF HORRORS RPG and an upcoming DINOSAUR RPG—and comics, […]
Crystal Sully
Crystal Sully, also known as the “Mother of Monsters,” is an award-winning illustrator and concept artist who brings creatures to life for some of the most popular properties in the tabletop gaming industry. This includes Dungeons & Dragons (Monster Manual 2025, One D&D Dragon Concept Art, Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen, Fizban’s Treasury of […]
Elisa Teague
A 20 year veteran in the Tabletop Games Industry, Elisa Teague has worked on well over 100 published card and board games including Geek Out!, Betrayal at House on the Hill, and Kingdom Hearts Talisman, written for various RPGs including Dungeons & Dragons, Wardlings, Kids on Bikes, and more, and is now the Senior Producer […]
Charles Urbach
Charles Urbach is an award-winning writer and colored pencil illustrator with 30 years experience in design, publishing, and illustration. His hand drawn Prismacolor pencil artwork pushes the boundaries of what’s possible with colored pencil, resulting in drawn artwork that has the visual depth and sophistication of traditional paintings. Like a traveler on a journey, his […]
B. Dave Walters
B. Dave Walters (@BDaveWalters) is a Storyteller & proud Scoundrel American. Best known as the Host and DM of Invitation to Party on G4 TV, and DM for the cast of Stranger Things on Netflix Geeked. He is the writer & co-creator of D&D: A Darkened Wish for IDW comics, and creator and DM of […]
Jim Wampler
Jim Wampler is the main guy to blame at Mudpuppy Games, the writer and creator of Mutant Crawl Classics RPG for Goodman Games, and the author of the Marvin the Mage comic strip. Sometimes, Jolly Blackburn even lets him play around with the Knights of the Dinner Table characters on covers. Jim has written adventures […]
Bill Webb
Bill, along with Clark Peterson, started Necromancer Games during the dawn of the D&D 3E game and immediately the phrase “Third Edition Rules, First Edition Feel” became a catchphrase of the new era. Through Necromancer, the pair published dozens of nostalgia-filled adventures that captured that elusive old-school zeitgeist. No product was more an example of […]
Margaret Weis
Margaret Weis was hired by TSR, Inc as a book editor in 1983. One of her projects was to work with game designer, Tracy Hickman, on a new project known as Dragonlance. She and Tracy wrote the Dragonlance Chronicles novels to go with the D&D game adventures. They celebrate the fortieth anniversary of Dragonlance this […]
Rob Wieland
Rob Wieland is an author, game designer and professional nerd. He is most well-known for his work with Geek & Sundry, Dicebreaker and the Forbes website. His game design includes Shadowrun, Star Wars Saga Edition, Firefly RPG, CAMELOT Trigger, Save Game, Star Trek Adventures, Pugmire, Vampire: The Masquerade, Hunter: The Reckoning, Everyday Heroes and Werewolf: […]
Tom Wham
Tom Wham is best known for creating whimsical board games that feature his unique artwork. However, his first design credit is actually a miniatures wargame called “Ironclad”, with Don Lowry, in 1973. Tom worked for Guidon Games when Gary Gygax asked him to run the auction at Gen Con IV. A few years later, in […]
Penny Williams
A long time ago, in the mythical land of Ohio, a nerdy young woman named Penny played role-playing games and dreamed of working for the company that made them. She helped out at conventions and made many friends, both famous and not. Eventually her dream came true, with an offer to work for TSR, Inc. […]
Skip Williams
Skip Williams is a Wisconsin native who hails from Lake Geneva, also the birthplace of the D&D game. As a kid in school. Skip rubbed elbows with many of the people who developed and influenced the original Dungeons & Dragons game, especially Gary Gygax. After college, Skip did a stint with TSR, Inc. organizing the […]
Jim Zub
Jim Zub is a writer, artist and art instructor based in Toronto, Canada. Over the past twenty years he’s worked for many gaming companies, including Wizards of the Coast, White Wolf, and Paizo on projects including Baldur’s Gate: Descent Into Avernus, Rick and Morty VS Dungeons & Dragons, the D&D Young Adventurer’s Guides, Pathfinder, Exalted and more. […]